Sunday, February 21, 2010

When BBQ Loses It's Throne....

Now doubt, if you were born in, move to or just visit Memphis, you know meat reigns...well okay BBQ reigns, King! For good reason too! If you like ribs, Memphis definatly has the stuff! I loved ribs. I loved pulled pork sandwiches! Then one day, it stopped. One thing I never thought would happen... I moved to Memphis and became a Vegan! It almost sounds like a joke... So this Vegan walked into a rib joint in Memphis.....and the Aristocrats... bah dum bump!Sometimes it feels like a joke. Believe you me! Never in a milliion years did I think I'd move to Memphis and go Vegan! Never the less, it happened. It almost sounds like I fell in love. I wasnt looking for veganism, it just happened. I was living my life as I always had and bam it hit me out of no-where. The ever famous: it happens when you least expect it! I wasnt looking for it, it was looking for me!

Sounds silly, but it's true. I wasnt looking for it. I was trying to figure out what the crap was wrong with me. I just wanted to feel better. I woke up and 2 of my pants that i wore frequently no longer fit. I was done. I didnt care. I was in that "drastic" stage. I was going to do anything. If that meant selling my kidneys on the black market, by God, I was losing weight. I couldnt stand to feel like crap AND be fat. I could handle being skinny and feeling like crap, but a total body hatred....wasnt working out so well. I needed tough love. I needed someone in my face to tell me like it is. It was a pivitol moment. I threw my pants on the floor and cried. I cursed. I screamed. I didnt care. I was DONE. I was done feeling horrible. I was DONE being fat. I was DONE.

Target answered my call (one other reason I love Target and hate Walmart!). they had the book I was looking for...Skinny Bitch. I read it in one day. The funny thing, I knew what it was saying. I already KNEW that stuff, but it was put in terms that I totally got. It also addressed somethings that i knew, but refused to acknowledge.

I knew meat wasnt all that great. I knew even more that factory farms produced crap (that's killing all of us!). I knew that slaughterhouses were filled with horrific intances of cruelty and abuse. Hey you are what you eat right? So I think I'll pass on the bacon taken from a screaming pig being beaten sensless or the wing from the chicken who is so genetically altered she cant even walk a few steps. Perhpaps, you like burgers made from cattle who are cut apart alive, not me. It doesnt bother you, you say? You havent watched the videos. I dare you to sit through Meet Your Meat or Earthlings and go fix that dinner. Enjoy. You are what you eat.

All animal rights aside, I dont care if you dont want to be a vegetarian. I really dont. It's a personal choice. Just dont ask me why I did it and expect a fluff answer. Sure it's to feel better (hey, we're NOT designed to eat meat no matter what you think), but it's also because I refuse to take part in factory farms. You want to eat meat, please switch to orgnaic local farms who are run by ethical people. Just dont expect me to sympathize you for your "craving".

Now I am off to a new life. I am very excited. I think it will change my life. It already has. I already feel amazing. For those who are curious, yes my kids are part of this too. I know I cant eliminate meat from their diets 100% (hey, come one, birthday parties and friends houses will provide lots of temptation. besides, ultimately, just like religion they have to eventually make their own choices.). However, I can open them up to a world of dishes that most kids will never experiance. I want them to eat a healthy dinner and see how good they feel. Next fall, I do plan on marking them as vegetarians for special dietary restrictions at school. Gabby hates eggs and Nick shows signs of being lactose intolerant (like me), so they are half way to being vegans as well!

I know this is alot of info and sort of all over the place. It's super late and I am sick. But I really felt I needed to get some of this out. I'm sure I'll make a clearer post once things get more defined. :-)