Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Property Managment...Labor Day

Well our first trip to visit our new home city is just around the corner! I can hardly wait. We were able to priceline an amazing deal at the Plaza. Go us! Go Priceline.com! we arent expecting much. We'll probably just hang around, visit a few areas, see some sites. Nothing to hard core. I am hoping to get in touch with a rental company of sorts to try and help us in our property search, but I'll get to that in a minute!

We did find out our move date was moved up a week. Not a big deal. Hopefully it will be lucky! I honestly dont know what to expect. I have read all the city-data forums and others on Memphis. It seems to be very middle of the road...some good...some bad. Just depends on who you talk to. I am going in with an open mind and open heart and hoping for the best.

So far, finding a rental company to help me out has been tough. I am hoping to find one that deals with several properties. I seem to find several that have just a few listings at a time. so far no one has responded to my emails. I am not quite at the talking on the phone point. I will just jot down some of the office addresses and possibly swing by while in town.

Anyways, next time you hear from me, i'll be either there or just back! I'll have pics and stories about our first trip to Memphis!! To get us ready, we bought an Elvis CD today!

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